1 |
Public Notice for compliance of the Hon'ble Supreme Court order dated 17.01.2025 in Writ Petition (Civil) No. 13029 title as MC Mehta Vs Union of India and Ors. |
07.03.2025 |
2 |
Public Notice for compliance of the Hon’ble Supreme Court order dated 17.01.2025 in writ Petition (Civil) No. 13029 titled as MC Mehta Vs Union of India and Ors. |
06.02.2025 |
3 |
Public Notice along with Compression in Spot Inspection Report for objection/suggestion on the proposed change in the modified inspection report. |
13.12.2024 |
4 |
Notice for publication regarding Complete prohibition on littering/dumping of solid waste at unauthorized places particularly roadsides, rivers, waterways, wetlands, lakes, nalas, panchayat or revenue lands, land owned by PWD or other various authorities in the entire State of Haryana. |
06.11.2024 |
5 |
Public Notice regarding prohibition/restriction on the sale & use of Firecrackers in the State of Haryana & firing of crackers on the Diwali day, Gurupurab day, Christmas day and on New eve. |
29.10.2024 |
6 |
Notice for inviting objections/ suggestions as HSPCB intends to fix the inlet effluent quality discharge standards for common effluent treatment plants operating in the State of Haryana |
15.10.2024 |
7 |
Format for submission of Annual Report of Bio Medical Waste. |
8 |
Notice for issuance of directions under section 33A of the Water(Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 regarding treatment sewage and fixing of stringent discharge standards for STPs. |
9 |
Public Notice for Registration of Producers, Importers & Brand-Owners (PIBOs) and Plastic Waste Processors (PWPs) on Centralizes Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Portal for Plastic Packaging dated 28.03.2024 |
28.03.2024 |
10 |
Public Notice regarding Water Purification System Rules 2023, notified by MOEF in Gazette of India vide notification no. CG- DL-E11112023- 250019 dated 10.11.2023 |
13.03.2024 |
11 |
Public Notice regarding Development of "National Hazardous Waste Tracking System (NHWTS)" for uploading on the website of the Board. |
04.12.2023 |
12 |
Public Notice regarding filling up the two posts of chief scientific officer on deputation basis in Haryana State Pollution Control Board. |
12.09.2023 |
13 |
Public Notice regarding Implementation of revised Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) for NCR including NCT of Delhi. |
18.08.2023 |
14 |
Public Notice regarding Regulations for use of DG sets in NCR districts of Haryana. |
24.07.2023 |
15 |
Notice for issuance of proposed discharge standards of treated sewage for irrigation purposes from Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs). |
03.05.2023 |
16 |
Public Notice regarding filling up of various posts on deputation basis in Haryana State Pollution Control Board. |
20.04.2023 |
17 |
Public Notice Regarding filling up of various posts on deputation basis in Haryana State Pollution Control Board. |
27.03.2023 |
18 |
Public Notice for State level Essay competition on 15th May,2023 on the theme "Beat Plastic Pollution" of World Environment day 2023. |
22.03.2023 |
19 |
Notice for prohibiting Production, Stocking, Distribution, Sale and Use of Banned Single Use Plastic (SUP) products in the name of Bio-Degradable(without CPCB certificate) and Oxo-Biodegradable Plastic under Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2022 (as amended). |
09.03.2023 |
20 |
Public Notice regarding Dust Control. |
27.09.2022 |
21 |
Publication of corrigendum regarding Public Hearing Notice in respect of Environmental Clearance as per (TOR) letter from EAC, MoEF & CC, GoI, New Delhi M/s Municipal Council Kaithal in respect of their proposed project for "Remediation and Reclamation of Existing Dumpsite and construction, operation and maintenance of Sanitary Landfill at Village Khurana Kaithal Haryana". |
21.09.2022 |
22 |
Public Notice for Restaurants/Dhabas/Motels/Marriage Halls/Banquet Halls/Party Lawns, Compressed Biogas (CBG) / Bio - CNG plants and Footwear industry (Date of publication in newspaper: 10.08.2022). |
10.08.2022 |
23 |
Public notice for Prohibiting Production, Stocking, Distribution, Sale and Use of Single User Plastic (SUP) items. |
23.02.2022 |
24 |
Public notice regarding courage of Restaurants/Dhabas/Motels/Marriage Halls/Banquet Halls/Party Lawns under consent management of HSPCB. |
11.11.2021 |
25 |
Public notice regarding awareness of concerned stakeholder to obtaining mandatory consent under respective environmental laws. |
09.11.2021 |
26 |
Public notice regarding Oil Marketing Companies and all the Petrol Pumps owners in State of Haryana. |
13.10.2021 |
27 |
Public notice to invite sealed quotation from EPA approved Laboratories for Special Monitoring of Ambient Air Quality on Deepawali Festival, 2021. |
08.10.2021 |
28 |
Public notice regarding awareness of concerned stakeholder to obtain mandatory consent under respective environmental laws. |
17.12.2020 |
29 |
Public notice regarding Inlet Quality Standards for remaining 5 nos. of CETPs. |
12.12.2020 |
30 |
Public notice regarding registration under PWM Rules, 2016. |
12.11.2020 |
31 |
Publication of Advertisement to invite sealed quotation from EPA approved Laboratories for Special Monitoring of Ambient Air Quality on Deepawali Festival, 2020. |
10.11.2020 |
32 |
Publication of Advertisement regarding updation of personal details including email Ids and contact numbers in the online portal (https://hrocmms.nic.in) by all the units/proponents. |
25.09.2020 |
33 |
Publication of Notice for issuance of directions under section 33 A of the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 regarding treatment of sewage and fixing of stringent effluent discharge standards of Faecal Coliform Parameter for Sewage treatment plants(STPs). |
26.05.2020 |
34 |
Procedure / Guidelines regarding handling, collection, transportation and disposal of biomedical waste generated from COVID-19 affected persons. |
24.03.2020 |
35 |
Prescribed format to provide the information regarding all cattle farm/Dairy Farm/Gaushalas in the State of Haryana in compliance of directions of Hon'ble NGT in the matter of O.A No. 46/2018 |
24.01.2020 |
36 |
Notice inviting Expression of Interest (EOI) for "Study on Source identification and mitigation actions for Noise Pollution Using Noise mapping and prediction techniques. |
05.11.2019 |
37 |
Expression of Interest for engagement "Source Apportionment And Emission Inventory Study For Gurugram, Faridabad, Sonepat and Panipat in Haryana." |
05.11.2019 |
38 |
Notice to invite the sealed quotations from EPA Approved Laboratories to carry out special monitoring of Ambient Air and Noise Quality during festival of Diwali. |
02.09.2019 |
39 |
Notice for Recyclers and Actual Users of Hazardous and Other Wastes to apply through online system. |
03.01.2018 |
40 |
Notice for Actual Users of "OTHER WASTES" DEFINED IN Hazardous and Other Wastes (M & TM ) Rules, 2016 to obtain Authorization. |
03.01.2018 |
41 |
List of Defaulting Water Packaging Units. |
19.04.2017 |
42 |
Notice to Industries which are discharging effluent and required Consent to Operate. |
10.04.2017 |
43 |
Notice for Industrial sectors & Stake holders under notification no S.O. 3999(E) dated 09.12.2016 to apply for obtaining necessary consent to establish or consent to operate without late fees from board within 30 days. |
09.12.2016 |
44 |
District Level Committee for implementation of direction regarding prevention of stubble/paddy straw burning. |
05.10.2016 |