हरियाणा राज्य प्रदूषण नियंत्रण बोर्ड Haryana State Pollution Control Board



Sr. No. Title Date of Order Download
1 Recruitments -
2 Weeding out of the old record of HSPCB as per NOC vide letter dated 19/07/2024. 03.08.2024
3 Weeding out of the old record of HSPCB as per NOC vide letter dated 25/10/2023. 31.10.2023
4 Committee Constituted for Examination and Finalization. 26.10.2023
5 Winter Action Plan 2023-24 for the State of Haryana. 06.10.2023
6 Committee Constituted for Examination and Finalization. 20.09.2023
7 Weeding out of the old record of HSPCB. 05.07.2023
8 Weeding out of the old record of HSPCB. 10.04.2023
9 To submit a comprehensive note for weed out of spoilt files/records lying in the basement. 27.09.2022
10 Monthly Sampling of STPs in the matter of OA No. 6/2012 - Manoj Mishra Vs UOI 03.02.2020
11 Periodic Sampling of Rivers / Drains & Uploading on the Website 02.09.2019
12 Periodic Sampling of Ground Water & Uploading on Website 09.08.2019
13 Committee Constituted for Examination and Finalization of the Environmental Compensation Assessment Report. 06.05.2019
14 Notification for appointment of Board Analysts under Water Act 10.12.2012
15 Examination for the orders of Hon'ble Court/Appellate Authority to be put up before chairman. 21.12.2011
16 Order for Subcommittee to decide NOC Cases 21.12.2011
17 Information to be uploaded on website for Grossly Polluting Industries (GPI) 14.09.2011
18 Information for 17 category industries to be uploaded on website 06.09.2011
19 Order for utilization of Water Cess 20.12.2010
20 Sampling Procedure 07.11.2007
21 Office Order For Simplified NOC Form 19.09.2005
22 Installation of Acoustic Chamber for controlling noise from DG sets up to 31.03.2006 01.09.2005
23 Delegation of Power to RO for issuance of Show Cause Notice for closure 08.08.2005