हरियाणा राज्य प्रदूषण नियंत्रण बोर्ड Haryana State Pollution Control Board


Consent Policy of HSPCB

Sr. No. Title Date of Order Download
1 Extension in the validity period of consent to establishment(CTE) for Townships and Area Development projects (covering an area greater than to equal to 50 ha and or built-up area greater than or equal to 1,50,000 sq. mtrs) Nuclear power projects or activities and processing of nuclear fuel. 19.04.2023
2 Approved Fuels in the state of Haryana and adoption of clean fuels across the entire NCR vide F.No. A-110018/01/2021-CAQM/8218-40 23.06.2022
3 Procedure for issuance of varied consent under the provisions of the Water (Prevention & Control of Pollution)Act, 1974, and the Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 06.04.2022
4 Procedure for adjustment of consent to operate fee deposited for a longer period after refusal of consent to operate 04.02.2022
5 Office order regarding categorization of Restaurants/Dhabas/Motels/Marriage Halls/Banquet Halls/Party Lawn under the consent management of the Board based on wastewater generation and floor area or seating capacity 13.09.2021
6 Office order or Instructions regarding show cause notice and implementation of inspection policy of the Board 23.08.2021
7 Procedure for taking action against the unit after failure of sample and for dealing with the application for consent to operate under Water Act, 1974 and Air Act, 1981 submitting the non-applicant units for the 1st time and action to be taken thereof. 10.12.2020
8 All DG Sets in operation with capacity 500 KVA and above are required either to retrofit the emission control equipment having a minimum specified PM capturing efficiency of at least 70 percentage type approved by one of the CPCB-recognized labs 25.06.2020
9 Regarding instruction for issuance of show cause notices 18.06.2020
10 Delegation of Powers to Regional Officers for issuance of closure directions 19.03.2020
11 Review / Withdrawal / Cancellation of consent to operate for non-complying units under Water Act, 1974 & Air Act, 1981 16.09.2019
12 Prescribed inlet water quality Standards for CETP to be achieved by individual constituent industry/unit discharging its effluent in the CETP (mg/l except ph) vide Endst.No HSPCB/SSC/2019/6916-39 28.01.2019
13 Guidelines for setting up of new petrol pumps in compliance with Hon'ble NGT Order 18.01.2019
14 Procedure for auto-renewal of consent to operate under Water Act,1974 and Air Act,1981 applicable and implemented through OCMMS 17.12.2018
15 Amendment in the procedure for auto-renewal of consent to operate under the Water Act,1974, and Air Act,1981 applicable and implemented through OCMMS 17.12.2018
16 Approved Fuels in the state of Haryana with adequate pollution control devices 12.12.2018
17 Regional Officers not issuing more than one show cause notice to the defaulting units 05.12.2018
18 Policy Order regarding prohibiting the installation of new Pyrolysis Plants in the State 12.07.2018
19 Proforma regarding resealing of units that were closed and sealed by the Board but found broken the seal 22.05.2018
20 Prescribed time list for deciding the application for various Clearances from the Board 26.02.2018
21 Procedure for grant of permission for change of name or ownership of the units or transfer of an interest of a person in his industry to any other person, in the Board's record 10.11.2017
22 Policy Order regarding obtaining CTO through HEPC portal 16.08.2017
23 Performance Security for Green Category of Industries 20.06.2017
24 Clarification for Construction Projects regarding requiring a license from the Town and Country Planning Department for extension of Consent to Establish Air Act, 1981 19.05.2017
25 Mentioning the unique ID allotted to the industries or projects through OCMMS while submitting the cases to Head Office to Regional Offices 02.02.2017
26 The validity period of Consent for the Green category of Industrial Sectors 25.01.2017
27 Delegation of powers to Regional Offices for cases of Green category of Industrial Sector 25.01.2017
28 Auto-renewal of CTE and CTO to be followed for Green Category of Industrial Sectors 25.01.2017
29 Prescribed Authority for Release of Performance Securities 24.06.2016
30 Policy for Auto Renewal of Consent to Operate under Water Act, 1974 and Air Act, 1981 22.03.2016
31 Policy for Auto Renewal of Consent to Establish under Water Act, 1974 and Air Act, 1981 22.03.2016
32 Delegation of powers to Regional Officers for granting or refusing Consent to Establish and Consent to Operate under the Water Act, 1974, and the Air Act, 1981 02.03.2016
33 Documents are not to be uploaded manually on OCCMS by the Industries to consent applications 02.03.2016
34 Increase in Validity of Consent to Establish(CTE) under the Water Act, 1974, and Air Act,1981 02.02.2016
35 Increase in the period of validity of Consent to Operate under the Water Act, 1974, and Air Act, 1981 20.10.2015
36 Amendment in the Consent Policy 03.09.2014
37 Amendment for submission of Additional Documents & Procedure for obtaining Consent To Establish for the construction projects 03.09.2014
38 Action to be taken for the industrial units applied for renewal of Consent to Operate after 15.05.2014 28.08.2014
39 Amended policy for consent management regarding Ready Mix Concrete Plants 11.06.2014
40 Submission of design scheme of ETP and APCM from Consultants approved by MoEF and CPCB for Large & Medium Scale Units or Projects 12.05.2014
41 Procedure regarding the grant of Consent to Establish and Consent to Operate units located in Non-Conforming Areas 16.11.2012 and 17.04.2014
42 Policy regarding grant of time for the Installation, Modification, and Upgradation of Pollution Control Devices 11.02.2014
43 Procedure for granting time to upgrade or modify existing pollution control devices and to install new Pollution Control Devices 11.02.2014
44 Appointment of Board Analyst for analysis of samples of Air or emission 30.01.2013
45 Procedure for Performance Securities submitted by the units 13.12.2012
46 Forfeiting of performance securities- Corrigendum 13.12.2012
47 Charging Bank Guarantee and NOC fee for expansion project 16.11.2012
48 Procedure for Bank Guarantee being taken with the Consent to Establish (NOC) application, performance security taken during extension of Consent to Operate and Bank Guarantee being taken on failure of samples 16.11.2012
49 Procedure Regarding Performance Guarantee 16.11.2012
50 Charging of Bank Guarantee and NOC fee for expansion project 21.06.2012
51 Refusal of consent and failing of samples or any other violation the Bank Guarantee shall be applicable 11.05.2012
52 Order regarding Policy Order for Bank Guarantee in Consent to Operate 04.04.2012
53 Order regarding Forfeiture of Bank Guarantees 02.04.2012