हरियाणा राज्य प्रदूषण नियंत्रण बोर्ड Haryana State Pollution Control Board


E Waste Mgt.

Sr. No. Title Remarks Download
1 E Waste Rules -
2 EPR Authorization with list of Producers -
3 Annual Report -
4 Regarding updation of SOPs for registration of Recyclers, Refurbishers, Manufacturers & Producers under EWaste Management Rules, 2022 to be uploaded on the website of the Board 07.02.2025
5 Salient Feature of E-Waste Rules
6 List of E-waste Recyclers / Dismantler
7 E-waste Refurbishers
8 Sensitization of bulk consumers, dismantlers, and recyclers 24.06.2019