हरियाणा राज्य प्रदूषण नियंत्रण बोर्ड Haryana State Pollution Control Board


Standing Orders & Circulars

Sr. No. Title Date of Order Download
1 Office Order - Regarding Data on the Water Quality of Rivers/ Drains and its information uploaded on the website of HSPCB. 05.09.2024
2 Office Order - Monthly Sampling of the STPs/ CETP Data. 05.09.2024
3 Office Order - Collection of Ground Water samples. 05.09.2024
4 Office Order - NWMP data uploading on the website of HSPCB. 05.09.2024
5 Periodic Updation of data for water consumption and wastewater generation and treatment details of Industries in Yamuna and Ghaggar Catchment. 21.08.2019