हरियाणा राज्य प्रदूषण नियंत्रण बोर्ड Haryana State Pollution Control Board


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Document Checklist and Procedures

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Service Information
Sr No. Name of the Service Fees Checklist Procedure RTS Timeline
1 CTE (Air/Water)
2 CTE - Renewal (Air/Water)
3 CTO (Air/Water)
4 Renewal of CTO (Air/Water)
5 Authorization under Bio Medical Waste (BMW) Rules 2016 & its amendments
6 Authorization under Hazardous Waste (HWM) Rule 2016 & its amendments NIL
7 Authorization/Renewal under E-Waste Rule 2022 As per E-Waste Management Rules, 2022, no auhtorization has to be granted by HSPCB regarding E-waste. However, there is a provision of registration under E-waste Management Rules, 2022 which has to be done on https://eprewastecpcb.in/#/ by CPCB. As prescribed by CPCB in the various Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for registration of Producer, Recycler etc. available on the website of CPCB at the link https://eprewastecpcb.in/#/
8 Registration Under Plastic waste Rule 2016 & its amendments This service is available through Centerlized EPR portal developed by CPCB. The SOPs (including document checklist, procedure, fee, etc.) are available on the website of CPCB at the link https://eprplastic.cpcb.gov.in//#/plastic/home
9 Renewal of Registration Under Plastic waste The provision of One time regisration has been prescribed by MoEF & CC vide notification no. G.S.R. 807(E) dated 30.10.2023, so renewal of authorization is not required.
10 Registration under Battery-Waste Management Rule 2022 As per Battery Waste Management Rules, 2022, no authorization has to be granted by HSPCB regarding Battery waste. However, there is a provision of registration under Battery Waste Management Rules, 2022 which has to be done on https://www.eprbatterycpcb.in/ by CPCB & HSPCB. As prescribed by CPCB in the various Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for registration of Producer, Recycler etc. available on the website of CPCB at the link https://www.eprbatterycpcb.in/
11 Authorization under C & D Waste Management Rule 16 & its amendments NIL
12 Authorization under Solid Waste Management Rule 16 & its amendments NIL
*Note: Checklist and procedure for all types of investors are common and are not searchable based on risk category, size of firm, business location
and Foreign/ Domestic investor